Women Against Sarah Palin

Thursday, October 2, 2008

How do you think she'll do tonight?

Well, the debate is coming up in a few hours. I've watched her interview with Katie Couric and some of her answers were not too terrible. Do you think she'll squeak by with generalities, or will she make another really big gaffe like the one on the bailout?


Brendan said...

McCain / Palin threaten 30 years of women's rights progress

join the resistance that is taking action: www.saysme.tv/wamp

our PSAs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IS0PJdE0Cs


Anonymous said...

she did surprisingly well I hate to say. I know I will be hearing a lot of praise for her tomorrow (I'm from Houston) It made me wonder... had Obama known that Mccain was thinking of Palin would he have chosen Hilary??? I think Hilary and Obama both have been extremely selfish. O. did not choose her because he plain can't stand her and H. isn't out there working for him because she wants to run for president. Its almost like she wants to see this fail so that she could say I told you so. I think Palin has seriously undermined the Obama/Biden ticket by not failing like we thought she would regardless of whether she answered the questions. Palin has eased the fears of the elite Republicans by appealing to the redneck/evangelical vote whose feverish loyalty holds that party together.