Women Against Sarah Palin

Thursday, October 2, 2008

How did Sarah Palin do in the Debate?

Here are my reactions:

She did not make any major gaffes. She held her own and spoke in complete sentences 99% of the time. I personally dislike that snide style and the mock folksiness. And I certainly noticed, as did most of the commentators, that she ducked a lot of questions. Still, expectations were low, and all in all, I think she exceeded them.


How do you think she'll do tonight?

Well, the debate is coming up in a few hours. I've watched her interview with Katie Couric and some of her answers were not too terrible. Do you think she'll squeak by with generalities, or will she make another really big gaffe like the one on the bailout?

Saturday, September 27, 2008

What did you think about the debate?

Is Palin, in your opinion, closer or further away from the Vice Presidency after last night's debate?

I thought Obama did very well. He comes across as bright, articulate and calm. McCain seemed to be trying to treat him like a kid, which annoyed me.

What do you think?

Friday, September 26, 2008

How will she do in the debate?

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

obama a marxist?

obamalies calls Barack Obama a Marxist. In a week when our Republican President has, in effect, nationalized our largest private insurance company, are such labels relevant? Do subsidies to farmers and oil companies count as Marxism, or is it time we got past labeling and looked dispassionately at what would be best for our citizens?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

How will Wall Street's woes affect the election?

I saw a poll on someone's website: about 2/3 of the respondents said the current crisis of Lehmann Brothers, Merrill Lynch and AIG will NOT cause the Republican party to collapse.

What do you think? Will this latest crisis affect the election? Will fear push people into the Republican camp, or desire for a fix lure them to Obama?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

"One of us?"

I read a post on an msnbc blog that says: "We don't want any more of the "experts" in charge... We want one of us to go up there and tell it like it is."

Why do you think it is that people think governing the country can be done by just any old person, with or without skills and experience? I wonder, do these people go to "one of us" when they need brain surgery? Or when they need someone to fix their plumbing?

It is my own opinion that, although experience is not necessarily a guarantee of good judgment (look at Rumsfeld), I'd feel much safer with a Harvard law graduate with Senate experience in the White House than a gun toting woman whose foreign affairs experience is "Alaska is next door to Russia"

Monday, September 15, 2008

Whom are you voting for?

Are you voting for Obama? Ron Paul? Ralph Nader? Are you so turned off by the events of the last few weeks that you're not voting at all? Or has the selection of Sarah Palin made you more determined to vote Democratic?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

premamudita says: "If Obama doesn't find a way to emotionally educate voters, once again the Democrats' energy will be spent being bewildered by those who are hurt by Republicans - voting Republican!!!

We as Democrats need to wake up and come up with strategic ways to positively enhance the ethical platforms we embrace.

Attacking another that someone believes in simply isn't effective -

I'm mystified - what works?"

Well, ladies, what works?

Sarah Palin a MILF?

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Saturday, September 13, 2008

McCain's Campaign Tactics

In the New York Times, Paul Krugman writes that "the McCain campaign keeps making assertions that anyone with an Internet connection can disprove in a minute, and repeating these assertions over and over again...[H]ow a politician campaigns tells you a lot about how he or she would govern."

Do you agree?

Should Obama have chosen Hillary?

Would things be different now if Obama had chosen Clinton to run as VP, or would the Republicans just have come up with a different counter strategy? Do you vote based on gender or policies?

Friday, September 12, 2008

Just like us?

Mangolynn said...
Sarah is not just any old female candidate. She's just like us...Smart, hardworking, great mom, great wife, educated but not TOO elite... loves the outdoors.

Do you think Sarah Palin is just like us? Do you want a candidate who's just like us or better than us? I personally know I'm not qualified to be president, although I've got more volunteer experience and a better education. What's your view?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Does volunteer experience count:

My local woman officeholders have lists of volunteer positions they've held that are as long as your arm. See SandyGalef.com and CatherineBorgia.com. The only volunteer experience I ever heard about for Sarah Palin was that she was a member of the PTA.

Do you think volunteer experience counts? Does it say something about the person? Are people with community service, like Barack Obama, more appealing candidates in your opinion?

Have you registered to vote?

The Obama website has a great tool to help you register to vote, get an absentee ballot or find your polling place.

Turnout is going to be important in this campaign. How can we get pro-Obama people to register and to vote?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What would it take?

ER says:

Venting is one thing, but can we organize? What would it take to have marches all around the country on the same day --- women against Sarah Palin. There's not much time. What would it take?


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Susan D. wrote:

"While these types of conversations on blogs such as this one are fascinating where we all vent our beliefs and feelings, let's turn it around and share ideas about how we will actually not allow John McCain & Sarah Palin to win this election. Think about the people who may not go to the polls and figure out how to make them realize how important it is for them to vote! There is a woman who is so disillusioned that she is actually going to write in for Hilary. These are the people we need to embrace and bring them back to a less emotional reaction. Ladies... we can do this!"

What do you think, ladies (and gentlemen)? Any one else have any ideas about how we can help defeat Sarah Palin and her septuagenarian running mate?

Is Sarah Palin a kick ass female?

I do not oppose Sarah Palin because she's a hunter or because she likes guns. I oppose her because it is clear from her actions that she does not care about animals or the environment. She's suing to take polar bears off the threatened species list because they would interfere with her precious natural gas pipeline. In order to bring this suit, she's had to claim that the evidence for global warming is unreliable. (See the Anchorage Daily News article) If Palin wants to hunt, that's her right. Indeed, Teddy Roosevelt was a big game hunter, a Republican and a great president. But he also set aside vast tracts of land for national parks. He would be appalled by Palin's disregard for the environment were he alive today.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Welcome to Women Against Sarah Palin

Well, McCain has shown just what a maverick he really is by choosing a darling of the radical right.

Please feel free to use this space to sound off about Sarah Palin. No obscenities, no insults, please. There are plenty of problems with Palin's candidacy without resorting to personal attacks or nastiness.