Women Against Sarah Palin

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Should Obama have chosen Hillary?

Would things be different now if Obama had chosen Clinton to run as VP, or would the Republicans just have come up with a different counter strategy? Do you vote based on gender or policies?


antigone said...


MellieK said...

No way! That just goes into the stereo type that women are voting just for a woman. If John McCain had boobs and a uterus I still would not vote for him.

Its the issues stupid :0)

Young 4-Eyes said...

"As long as she keeps up her "naughty librarian" look, who cares whether she can explain the Bush Doctrine?"
This from a right wing blog.
Ladies, if this is not clear insight into what's going on here i don't know what is.
This is the definition of sexism.
When you bypass the qualified candidate for the good-looking one, when you overlook an attractive woman's lack of skills because she might be "easy on the eyes", that is sexism at its basest.
I don't see how the Palin choice is an advancement for women when the choice is clearly a hark back to the good-ol'-boy mentality.
Let's wake up people!

HPR said...

I vote for the issues, not the gender of the candidate. I have a lot of respect for Hillary Clinton and I admire her, but I think Obama made an excellent choice in going with Joe Biden as his running mate.

I hope and pray that women take the issues into account, which is part of the reason why I started my own blog. Check it out at:


JJ Jenkins said...

No. Hillary Clinton's silence since Palin's anointing confirms my belief.

Unknown said...

No--that would have fired up the GOP base like anything. They haaaaaaaaate HRC. Hate her.

Courtney said...

They most certainly would have found some lie that served to confuse the undereducated electorate body.
Of course I vote on issues, the very question is insulting.

Karen said...

This question is a distraction - what's done is done. How about we educate people about what is, not dwell on what was or could have been.

Anonymous said...

If Obama would of chosen Hillary McSame would of chose Colin Powell. He vetted Colin Powell for a reason.

Unknown said...

Choosing HRC would have been more problematic than productive. Although I'd have loved to return to those better economic times and decent foreign policy, choosing her would have also signaled a return to the politics he's trying to get past. Things like the Republican led govt. shutdown, the Contract with America and a gazillion other unproductive divisive things.

More importantly, because the Repubs really do SO hate HLC, they would have viciously RE-RELEASED 8 to 10 years of Whitewater, Vince Foster, Monica,yada, yada... what will Bill be doing and on and on and on with all that smear garbage that put out there when Bill was in office. Republicans would have rallied around their sheer hatred of her. Then there's the issue of Bill not releasing the names of his library donors and on and on.

Simply put - choosing her could have led really loosing this election.

Kathryn said...

Joe Biden is one of the most competent critical thinkers in government. And he is practical, inclusive, compassionate and real. I have tracked his decisions for years in hopes that one day wisdom would prevail and he would be elected to national office. Putting him on the ticket was not a vote against Hillary Clinton, nor women, it was a vote in favor of a heroic public servant who could restore our standing in the world, and hope for our economy. As a country we are lucky to have him as the VP candidate, no matter who else could have been picked.

Trudy said...

Strategically, I have wondered that. But I do believe that McCain would have then just picked Colin Powell.

Hillary should be out there everyday helping Obama by highlighting Palin's deficiencies as a candidate, yet she is largely silent. Where are her 18 million cracks in the glass ceiling now? Those people should also be loud surrogates for Obama.

Unknown said...

We have to trust the judgement of Obama. Women wanted Hillary yes, but NOT just becasue she is a woman. And it is an insult that McCain thought any woman would dok which is how I feel about Palin. she is less than honest, she has no love for the environment, and is a car carrying memeber of the NRA; which means she is against gun control.gun control means that violence against women and others in this country can be controlled, to some degree.Shooting down those wolves from helicopters is not sport. There are humane ways t control animal populations.

She is a lipstick wearing pig, even though Obama DID NOT CALL HER THAT, I am.

rlritt said...

I know someone in her campaign who said she didn't want to be Vice President. I think she is looking for a position with more meat.

However, even though I've always been an Obama supporter, a few months ago I realized that the Dems were too divided and I decided that the best ticket would have been Clinton/Obama because the next four years are going to be a shtstorm and I think she could weather it, and Obama will be only 55 in 8 years and would be able to cake walk into the Presidency.

rlritt said...

I know someone in her campaign who said she didn't want to be Vice President. I think she is looking for a position with more meat.

However, even though I've always been an Obama supporter, a few months ago I realized that the Dems were too divided and I decided that the best ticket would have been Clinton/Obama because the next four years are going to be a shtstorm and I think she could weather it, and Obama will be only 55 in 8 years and would be able to cake walk into the Presidency.

obamalies said...

"Hillary should be out there everyday helping Obama by highlighting Palin's deficiencies as a candidate, yet she is largely silent."
That is because she knows how little he knows and what a bad President he would be.
He has, like Hillary said, no experience, even Bill said today how experienced Sarah is.
They hate each other that is why Obama didin't pick Hillary.
He only cares about politics and not the people of America.
had he cared about the people, he would have picked her.
He is a Marxist, with crook friends like Hillary pointed out, Bill Yares.
Obama will loose big time. Sorry.
No matter how much dirt you/media try to put on Plain, it will backfire.

obamalies said...

To all of you.
If Hillary is running for VP she will not be able to run for President in 08 or 12.
That is why she didn't want the VP spot.
She has greater plans than to loose her chance of running later.