Women Against Sarah Palin

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

How will Wall Street's woes affect the election?

I saw a poll on someone's website: about 2/3 of the respondents said the current crisis of Lehmann Brothers, Merrill Lynch and AIG will NOT cause the Republican party to collapse.

What do you think? Will this latest crisis affect the election? Will fear push people into the Republican camp, or desire for a fix lure them to Obama?


Unknown said...

Please check out www.speakoutonpalin.blogspot.com, a forum for women to discuss the misuse of gender issues in this presidential race. You will be moved by "Grandmother" who recalls her very sad experience of an illegal abortion.

ChrissFife said...

This isn't really a comment about this particular post, but I just got the best email ever and wanted to share it here since I read the blog.

Make a donation to Planned Parenthood in Sarah Palin's name. When you make a donation to PP (secure site) in her name, they'll send her a card stating the donation was made in her honor.

Here's the link to Planned Parenthood's website:

Choose 'Donate'. Click 'Honorary or Memorial Donations'. Fill in your info and donation, then scroll down to 'I would like to give to': fill in 'Sarah Palin' and use the McCain campaign
headquarters address:
1235 S. Clark Street 1st Floor
Arlington, VA 22202

obamalies said...

Obama has several times, voted against saving babies of abortion in the 7-8 months leaving them to die.
Left to DIE.
Sick to my stomach. Women would do that to their babies.
What kind of man is Obama.
I don't really think any of you know.

ChrissFife said...

How sad, Obamalies, that you lie too, oh no, you're just misguided. I would be shocked to find anyone who believes in a woman's right to choose who thinks that abortion should be performed in the 7th or 8th month. Hellllo!!!! That is dangerous to the mother. Doctors don't even recommend abortion at that late a date.
And... if it was aborted for some reason, there could be very good sense in not trying to save it. You don't know the circumstances. Would you rather that poor baby, who didn't ask to be brought into the world, then live an existence with brain damage and other problems that come from being premature? It's one thing if someone wants a baby and the baby is born pre-mature, but if someone is trying to abort the baby at that late date, they obviously don't want it and that poor thing is not a preme and unwanted.

Besides, this is about Palin. Planned Parenthood does more than abortion. Palin is so stupid she doesn't even support sex ed or giving condoms out. PP also offers counseling services which Palin's daughter could obviously have used!

obamalies said...

Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- A new pro-life group that features a late-term abortion survivor is running a national television advertisement against presidential candidate Barack Obama. The ad takes Obama to task for his votes against a bill to care for survivors of such abortions when he was in the Illinois legislature. ...
why don't you check out for yourself.
I'm not mis-guided, just stating the facts.

obamalies said...

Just a comment to the website that is being displayed her www.speakoutonpalin.blogspot.com
They publish an article and it can't be commented on if you don't agree on it.
So the truth really doesn't matter, so keep up all the incorrect statements that you are all so proud of.
What about freedom of speech???

Noel said...

I really don’t know why not one person questioned why Gov. Palin had her baby at the convention? Children that have Down syndrome often times have sensory processing disorder. There were no ear plugs or cotton in the baby’s ears. I personally don’t think very highly of her to expose and infant to the loud environment of the convention. Leave the baby behind the scenes in a quite environment. She shouldn’t need to parade the baby to gain extra supporters.
Lee T. NM

Noel said...
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obamalies said...

It is amazing how you can't comment on a psot in regards to what has been written.
This is very bias.
Posted a comment to Lisbeth on www.speakoutonpalin.blogspot.com and it was deleted.
The ADMIN is very against the declaration of freedom of speach.
How sad.
Who says we have to agree on everything, but deleteing comments makes The ADMIN very communists.

kalster said...

Sarah Palin belongs to a cult that believes in a religous activism called the "Third Wave", The Assembly of God church denounced this practice as heretical in 1949 and 1990. "Third Wave" believes they are spiritually superior to everyone else and will lead the world in the end times. Oh boy I can't wait...