Women Against Sarah Palin

Friday, September 12, 2008

Just like us?

Mangolynn said...
Sarah is not just any old female candidate. She's just like us...Smart, hardworking, great mom, great wife, educated but not TOO elite... loves the outdoors.

Do you think Sarah Palin is just like us? Do you want a candidate who's just like us or better than us? I personally know I'm not qualified to be president, although I've got more volunteer experience and a better education. What's your view?


Anonymous said...

It's so troubling that the right makes having an education synonymous with being "elitist". As if being educated should be a source of shame.

Interestingly enough it's actually a fascist trend..

11.) Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts: Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts is openly attacked, and governments often refuse to fund the arts.

Unknown said...

It is interesting to hear liberals ask "how can you compare Sarah Paylin to Hillary"? Yes, a good question.

Let's see:
* Hillary married a governor. Sarah is a governor.
* Hillary rose to prominence because of who she married. Sarah Paylin rose to prominence on her own accomplishments, winning an election against an incumbent governor from her own party.

Does anyone seriously believe Hillary would have been elected to senator in new york if it were not for the fact that she married Bill Clinton, and for the factor that she garnered enormous sympathy because he cheated on her?

And yet, liberal women delude themselves into idolizing Hillary Clinton.

amanda beaverheusen said...

I guessing your being sarcastic since Palin is obviously none of those things you mentioned and I, a working class soccer mom who lives in rural Pennsylvania knows no woman who hunts moose or spends so little time parenting her children.

What I DO know is that I am a fiscal conservative and she is the welfare queen of our federal taxes:


My husband and I like our money in our pockets or our state. REAL CONSERVATIVES are not voting for McCain and his sidekick. They are voting for Bob Barr (if they can get him on their states ticket). Conservatives hate McCain.
My lifelong republican voting brother in law is voting Obama.

Morningstar said...

skinny - you are a ninny - Hillary has been involved in politics since she was in college and she has more experience in a varity of venues - so you are mistaken that her only claim to fame is her husband! She would have made a terrific president but she has now given her support to Obama (another smart move she has made)! We the people will vote for him and Biden also because we want an intelligent President and VP.

Anonymous said...

Why do people think that just because I'm a married woman that I should like her because she's "like me". That's so insulting. I hate all these reports of women swaying their vote because Sarah is "like them". We should be insulted as women, that the only reason we choose a President is because she's like us? Appaling! Just a sickening picture that McCain's camp is painting of women - that we are thoughtless and if you put a like character infront of us, like droids we'll vote McCain because we see "woman". Whatever.

Katie said...

Sarah Palin is receiving so much attention due to the fact that she is "Just like us". I believe that a person with so little education and experience is not suitable to be the second most powerful person in the entire country just because she is a regular person. She is lacking in experience and education, and as a liberal woman, I find most of her views outrageous! If the Republicans were looking for someone that could give them an edge against Obama, they definitely should have found a woman with less radical views and with more experience in politics.

Unknown said...

Blogger Morningstar said...

Hillary has been involved in politics since she was in college and she has more experience in a varity of venues - so you are mistaken that her only claim to fame is her husband!
Like what? A community organizer?! Ha! Ha!
Seriously, what experience did she have prior to her husband's ascendancy that compares to governor of a state? Check her bio. Prior to Bill becoming Governor, her biggest political responsibility was "impeachment inquiry staff advising the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives." Wow! Oh, Boy, I'm impressed!

Angela said...

Sorry to tell you there are women out there who want Sara, we want to save the lives of the unborn, guess what if a woman does not want a baby tell her NOT to have sex, in case of rape, that also can be worked out and Sara is the woman who knows who to get that worked out without giving up the rights of our unborn.

Angela said...

Its time we start standing up for what is right and not what makes us feel good! Pro-Choice should be for all even those with no voice.

amanda beaverheusen said...

Hey Angela, how many lives (born and unborn) do you think have been lost in the unnecessary, unconstitutional, capricious Iraq war?

If you want an end to the unnecessary killing of innocent life and if you love America's Consitution you will vote Libertarian or Democratic.

A Republican vote only promises more war and death for political purposes.

War stops a beating heart.

OneFedUpMom said...

Ladies (and possibly some gents) - By sharing our thoughts on this blog we are in essence preaching to the choir. Why not take these same comments to the OPPOSING blogs in order to make our thoughts known to those we are against. Wouldn't that be more effective than sharing our views with like-minded people? Just a thought...

amanda beaverheusen said...

Skinny, first it is "interesting" that you can't even spell Palin's name correctly. That shows how little you must know about her.

Second, do you really want a VP of our country who believes that Adam and Eve rode around on dinosaurs 6000 yrs ago? This woman thinks the sun revolves around the earth and she could potentially be governing the US Space Program.

Yes, let's all put America back into the dark ages. Now THAT's progress!

Buki Papillon. LMT said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

What, exactly, makes somebdoy "TOO elite"? I hear this phrase get bandied about a lot by pundits on the right but I've never heard anybody actually define what it means to be "elite."

amanda beaverheusen said...

Twoandahalfjobs: Anyone "too elite" is anyone who believes in crazy things like evolution and climate change the Constitution of the United States.

This from what I can tell of the current Republican platform.

Unknown said...

amanda beaverheusen said...

Skinny, first it is "interesting" that you can't even spell Palin's name correctly. That shows how little you must know about her.

Ok, Amanda. You got me there. A CRUSHING rejoinder! I'm definitely on the defensive now!


amanda beaverheusen said...

Second, do you really want a VP of our country who believes that Adam and Eve rode around on dinosaurs 6000 yrs ago? This woman thinks the sun revolves around the earth and she could potentially be governing the US Space Program.


Yes, let's all put America back into the dark ages. Now THAT's progress!

A little bit of hyperbole, don't YOU think?

(By the way, I've decided to mimic your EXCELLENT use of capitalization)

Hey, I'm no fan of creationism. But to be honest, I don't see much difference between that fable and some of the ludicrous PSEUDO SCIENCE espoused by the environmental movement on the left.

The anti-energy bent of the left wing will bring us a LITERAL dark age.

yellowribbon said...

Ladies: This is not a joke! I am a 59 year old female from N.H. who is more qualified to be Vice President than Sarah Palin and I AM NOT QUALIFIED nor am I egomaniacal enough to believe that I am. After watching a video of aerial hunting in Alaska a program expanded upon by Palin I am more ready than ever to vote Democratic. Those of us that love to hike and enjoy wild life should be appalled by her love of killing our nations wolves, grizzlies and moose. For those that think she is just like you...think about it. If she is..you are in trouble and lots of it. Ladies..think hard ..our nation's future is at stake.

amanda beaverheusen said...


that fable and some of the ludicrous PSEUDO SCIENCE espoused by the environmental movement on the left.

Is this how you describe theory of evolution?

I would rather have major surgery by a doctor who studied "pseudo science" as you describe it rather than someone who believes the sun revolves around the earth.

Dark Ages: Yes. She believes the same dogma as the Puritans.

I support Barr so you can hardly call me a leftist. I'm a registered independent who is very concerned about Palins radical extremist views about religion, Alaska succession and the American Constitution.

I would vote for Obama before this outrageous, gimmicky, ticket.

amanda beaverheusen said...

I'm a reformer and against earmarks. Except when I'm the governer of Alaska and am currently lobbying more earmarks per capita than any other state.

-Sarah Palin

amanda beaverheusen said...

I love and respect Alaskan wilderness, except for this:


- Sarah Palin

Unknown said...

SKINNY: that fable and some of the ludicrous PSEUDO SCIENCE espoused by the environmental movement on the left.

amanda beaverheusen: Is this how you describe theory of evolution?

Huh?? I referred to creationism as a fable. Why would you think I believe evolution is pseudo-science?

Hints for Amanda: Coherent thoughts. Logic. Turn off Caps Lock.

amanda beaverheusen said...


""Huh?? I referred to creationism as a fable. Why would you think I believe evolution is pseudo-science?"

Then what is this "pseudo science" to which you refer? Oh, let me guess.... you don't believe in climate change. Please be specific. I am a working class stay at home soccer mom with 3 kids and a HS education - (I'm an elitist according to the right wing). My limited education is preventing me in understanding to what you are referring. Again, what is this psuedo science to which you refer? Enlighten me.

Terry said...

Not like me.

I do not want creationism/intelligent design taught in schools - we are already falling behind the rest of the world in math & science achievements. Think future economic development & competition.

I do not want drilling in ANWR - more jobs and independence from oil (and the geo-political nightmare we currently are experiencing) will come from focusing on the development of alternative energy sources - another reason for science that is based upon observable evidence rather than some wish for a kindly gent with a beard.

I do not want the government telling me how I can/can't use or treat my body. If you are against abortion, don't have one. Take away choice and you risk the government forcing you into one if your fetus is considered defective/diseased one day. If you hand over reproductive rights to the government than you are giving them the right to do as they please regardless of your original intent.

Not like me.

amanda beaverheusen said...

Sarah Palin is a champion of this in your American wilderness:


Unknown said...

Blogger amanda beaverheusen said...

Oh, let me guess.... you don't believe in climate change. Again, what is this psuedo science to which you refer? Enlighten me.

Climate change is a redundant catch phrase. Obviously the climate changes. 10,000 years ago we had an ice age. Greenland used to be green. Go back far enough and the world was a fiery ball of lava.

Is that enough enlightenment for you?

amanda beaverheusen said...

Skinny says:

"Climate change is a redundant catch phrase. Obviously the climate changes. 10,000 years ago we had an ice age. Greenland used to be green. Go back far enough and the world was a fiery ball of lava.

Is that enough enlightenment for you?"

Thank you so much "skinny". Wow, ice ages, and fiery ball of lava. Yes, you have enlightened me to the fact that you are totally incapable of intelligently debating your point.

Unknown said...

Amanda, thanks for yoru comment but I still haven't heard anybody on the right define "TOO elite" for me.

I want to hear what somebody from the right thinks being "TOO elite" means. I'm not looking for a snarky or sarcastic answer. I'm genuinely curious--what does that mean to the right?

Anida Break said...

I would not determine my vote based on the sex or race of a candidate. Nor would I base my support on how much the candidate is like on unlike me. I just don't get these people that are voting for any elected position b/c they seem like a great gal, "just like me", the type of person you can sit down and have beer with them. Give me a break!
Sarah Palin IS NOT qualified to be in the position of VP, President and probably not even governor. She is a neo facist, religous zealot and I am very concerned for our country, our very way of life.

kitman3 said...

you people are just plain scared at the unity and future Palin has brought into play.
Please Obama chickened out and picked Biden in the pocket of the trail lawyers the 3rd most liberal oldest washington insider there is. That is not change it's Obama hanging a sign around his neck NO EXPERIENCE NEED BIDEN - Please
No different than McCain hoping to unify women to his cause.
If Obama had had any GUTS he would have chosen Hillary and he might have had a chance to win.
Fact of the matter is Sarah Palin has more experience running government than Obama ever did- he has DONE nothing you just don't get it.
He talks a good game but it takes more than that to be President. Where's his experience.
Maybe by spending 500 million dollars - he with help from his rich friends can buy the White House. That money would have been better donated
to CHARITY to help poverty you know poverty.
Big difference is Democrats always want to LEGISLATE everything charity business taxes were as Republicans believe for example charity is a personal act not just an intention.
Key word "ACT" doing something not just having good intentions - Big Difference
And on that subject the recent talk at Columbia on Service. It is fact that conservatives donate 30%-40% more money to charity and volunteer twice as often as liberals.
I would propose if all the whiny liberals out there would donate as much time and money as the conservatives in this country we would go a very long way to eliminating all the problems liberals love to whine about. Last year American donated over 300 BILLION dollars to charity and volunteered the equivalent of almost 90 million full time jobs to the tune of another 236 BILLION dollars. As soon as you make government larger in this area and raise all the taxes Obama says he will - SAY goodbye to that PRIVATE effort. In Europe nobody does anything like what people do or give here. When asked why it because they expect government to do it because they PAY SUCH HIGH TAXES.
In any case all this negativity about Sarah Palin as only worked against Obama - So thank you and keep up the good work for McCain

kitman3 said...

Let me add that only today leading scientists confirmed we are COOLING OFF in our weather cycles.
Mankind cars factories animals are only the cause of 3% of the worlds carbon monoxide.
The other 97% comes from rotting plants and volcanos look it up.
Global Warming is a fear tactic you know fear tactic like you accuse others of.
The Earth goes through cycles you should relate to that - its not man-made - GET REAL

Unknown said...

Chris, I did look it up and you're just plain wrong.


by the way, does the fact that I know how to research my facts before posting them make me "TOO elite"?

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin is nothing like me

I have never felt so passionate about an election as I do this upcoming one. And I have never felt such a complete inability to relate in any way, shape or form to the women who claim "Sarah Palin is just like me" or who relate in even the smallest way with this person. She is so totally unlike any women I know, that she is like another species.


Ethna said...

You ARE kidding right?
Palin is nothing like me or anyone I know. I am a working mom, but I can't afford a nanny to raise mine!
I am pro-choice, but I war is for the insane!
I would not lift a gun to hunt and kill another living thing for sport.
This woman does not represent me, I am embarrassed by her. The rest of the world must think we are nuts! AGAIN!
Where is Hilary's voice on this?

Danielle said...

Is Sarah Palin "like us"? Hmm, let's see:

I'm childfree. She's a mom of five.

I'm pro-choice. She doesn't even think victims of rape and incest should be able to terminate those unwanted pregnancies. Heck, as mayor of Wasilla, she even CHARGED victims for the processing of their rape kits.

I'm vegan. She loves to kill animals and has a living room with the pelt of a murdered bear on the couch and a dead sea critter as a table decoration. She thinks it's okay to shoot wolves from airplanes.

I'm agnostic. She's very religious.

I believe in evolution. She believes creationism should be taught as an alternative theory. Hey, the only place creationism has in schools is as part of a mythology course or a course on comparative religions. It doesn't belong in a science class.

I believe in freedom of speech. She wanted to have at least one book banned from the city library and only an outcry prevented the librarian who refused to consider it from being fired.

I believe in comprehensive, age-appropriate sex education. She believes in abstinence only, although her daughter is living proof that it doesn't work.

Nope, she's not like me--or anyone I know.

Unknown said...

No, my leader has to be smarter than I am. My leader has to be better educated than I. My leader has to be informed on world events, not just the ones that happen in North America--whether male or female.

Sarah is a computer generated search engine candidate who had to attend five colleges in order to complete one degree in communications.

During her now famous interview with Charlie Gibson, Sarah was asked if it was O.K. for America to go into an ally's territory to perform military manuevers without the leader of the country having knowledge of the missions. From Sarah's weak answer, I was able to detect her lack of knowledge on a recent news story. Gibson was giving her a chance to voice her opinion on the secret raids our military was running in Pakistan. She did not have a clue. It all boils down to her lack of intellectual curiosity which attributes to her limited world view.

It is a shame that a woman of limited intellect will have the greatest opportunity to smash the highest glass ceiling in the free world. The few females who have transversed this global political landscape: Thatcher, Chisholm, Albright, Rice and Clinton were more qualified, and smarter than Palin. We have lowered the bar and I hope she trips over it.

eyesopen said...

Palin supporters are acting like this woman is a candidate for your average everyday job. She's not trying to be a store manager, a CEO of a Fortune 500 company, or a regional director. If Palin messed up in those positions, it wouldn't be the end of the world. However, if this woman does not have the knowledge, experience, skills, or even the good sense to admit when she's in over her head, then her being the VP or worst, the Pres. actually could result in the end of the world. Pay attention America!!!

Lisa said...

Oh my - some of y'all are scaring me!

Ladies (and you know who you are), stop drinking the Koolaid. You are being played by the republicans.

If you are anti-choice, fine. Then DON'T HAVE AN ABORTION. It's really that simple for you. But to be the arbiter of morals for someone else is just plain bullshit. Any decision I make with MY body is between me and my God. Not you. So how about minding your own business for a change.

Wake up. Please. You. are. being. made. a. fool. of. Why can't you all see this? She's not "every woman" - in fact, she is an affront to what being a woman means. Regardless of gender, she's a poor excuse for a human.

McCain/Palin have sold their souls for power and unless some of you start realizing that we live in a world of CHOICES, we will all pay the price for your ignorance.

paying attention this time said...

To "Angela" who posted a pro-life blog, do you really see the world in such extreme black and white?

I recall watching a PBS series on life in rural China. Women who have no access to safe abortions will submit themselves to having the fetus manually crushed through their abdominal wall so that the fetus is miscarreid by midwives who have learned this technique through generations and passed the knowledge down.

My conservative midwestern granny confessed on her deathbed that during the depression when they were broke and hungry she had my grandfather help her perform an abortion with a coat hanger because they didn't think they could feed another child.

I'm not making a judgement about morality here. I'm making a point that for as long as women have been on this planet, there have been methods to rid themselves of another pregnancy. Desperate women will put themselves through excruciating ordeals if they truly don't want a baby.

We can accept that fact and all work together to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies (which by the way would require more contraception education than "abstinance only" programs), or we can make it illegal again and go back to the dark ages.

Making it illegal won't stop abortions, and you are simple minded to think so.

BTW, I had a middle aged colleague, married, professional who had an abortion a few years back. The clinic told her that 40% of their clients are married women, most of whom are using a contraception method. (Remember the Sponge? That's the one that didn't work for her) Contraception can fail and does regularly

So I guess your statement that if you don't want to get pregnant "dont' have sex" applies for married couples as well? I'm sure that is a practical solution. Run that one by your husband and see if it flies.

It's easy to sit where you are and judge others. Did you know after the Communist revolution in China hundreds of thousands of people starved to death? I saw an old lady interviewed who years later sat with tears running down her face as she recounted how they had literally stripped leaves off of bushes to try to boil some sort of soup to drink to keep them alive. When the leaves ran out, they starved. She couldn't nurse her baby any longer because she had no milk. It was slowly starving before her eyes, crying incessantly and she finally smothered it out of mercy.

Things aren't always black and white and you should count your blessings that you can sit in your smug and self rightous world and pass judgement on others' decisions.

paying attention this time said...

To "Angela" who posted a pro-life blog, do you really see the world in such extreme black and white?

I recall watching a PBS series on life in rural China. Women who have no access to safe abortions will submit themselves to having the fetus manually crushed through their abdominal wall so that the fetus is miscarreid by midwives who have learned this technique through generations and passed the knowledge down.

My conservative midwestern granny confessed on her deathbed that during the depression when they were broke and hungry she had my grandfather help her perform an abortion with a coat hanger because they didn't think they could feed another child.

I'm not making a judgement about morality here. I'm making a point that for as long as women have been on this planet, there have been methods to rid themselves of another pregnancy. Desperate women will put themselves through excruciating ordeals if they truly don't want a baby.

We can accept that fact and all work together to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies (which by the way would require more contraception education than "abstinance only" programs), or we can make it illegal again and go back to the dark ages.

Making it illegal won't stop abortions, and you are simple minded to think so.

BTW, I had a middle aged colleague, married, professional who had an abortion a few years back. The clinic told her that 40% of their clients are married women, most of whom are using a contraception method. (Remember the Sponge? That's the one that didn't work for her) Contraception can fail and does regularly

So I guess your statement that if you don't want to get pregnant "dont' have sex" applies for married couples as well? I'm sure that is a practical solution. Run that one by your husband and see if it flies.

It's easy to sit where you are and judge others. Did you know after the Communist revolution in China hundreds of thousands of people starved to death? I saw an old lady interviewed who years later sat with tears running down her face as she recounted how they had literally stripped leaves off of bushes to try to boil some sort of soup to drink to keep them alive. When the leaves ran out, they starved. She couldn't nurse her baby any longer because she had no milk. It was slowly starving before her eyes, crying incessantly and she finally smothered it out of mercy.

Things aren't always black and white and you should count your blessings that you can sit in your smug and self rightous world and pass judgement on others' decisions.

Unknown said...

Most certainly she's not like me! I believe in The Constiution, the Bill of Rights, separation of church and state, reproductive freedom and higher education for all.

I'm not a mom. I don't have kids - BY CHOICE, I want to keep it that way, while expressing my marital love for my husband. Hands off the birth control or I get to send her my unwanted children - directly to her doorstep.

I live in Hockeytown - home of the Stanley Cup Winning Detroit Red Wings .We have real, honest to gawd Hockey Heroes like Yzerman, Lidstrom, Datsuk, McCarty and Zetterberg, - not some poser hockey mom, so when it comes to the press asking legitimate tough questions - get a cup.

I'm from an urban area that's in desperate economic times that require an economically smart person TO GET US OUT OF THIS. I'm not from a small town - although I hear we share a big drug problem. Did she do anything to address that either?

America is not completely made up of small town moms of five kids. Some of us are proud urbanites with educations and we demand smart leaders to govern our country. I don't feel she even begins to qualify.

And -she is definitely NOT like me.

jyfrmm said...

To "paying attention this time"...

Kudos to your post!
I am a Women's Health Nurse Practitioner/Medical Sexologist completing a doctorate in Human Sexuality Education and could not have said what you stated more eloquently or with more conviction.

I am pro-CHOICE, (not pro-abortion, not anti-abortion), however I do believe that every situation is unique and the people involved have the right to make informed choices. I disseminate facts, information and resources and let people decide what is best for them at their juncture in life.

Sarah Palin is not "like us", in fact she is the polar opposite of myself and most of my colleagues, friends, and neighbors. I fight against "abstinence-only" education in schools. I can tell you firsthand now the number of girls ages 15-17 I see for either contraceptive counseling and STI counseling/screening and treatment. Some of my patients will make an hour appointment for their young teen daughters to come in so I can "teach" them about puberty/reproduction/body changes/contraception/STIs and protection. This is because they are not learning it in school!!!

Thank you again for your comments! And I, too, am wondering what world Sarah Palin is living in where the lines between right and wrong, good and evil, moral and immoral are so black and white? I, like you, am living in a grey world...

Sharon R. Cole said...

I'm with Danielle on this one. Sarah Palin is nothing like me.

Sarah Palin--straight married woman; me--single lesbian.

Sarah has kids, I do not.

Sarah is a member of the NRA, I am not.

Sarah shoots and kills moose for recreation. I run, read books and think about things like foreign policy.

Sarah thinks God is pro-war.
She is not for women in terms of birth rights. (and is even pro-life in cases of incest and rape)

Sarah just wants to desperately reach the "top," to be in control and to be "famous,"...and she wants to do that without ever rubbing elbows with REAL people, disenfranchised members of our society, etc. She wants to have a position of power without proper preparation.

She's a fake and a phony and is getting by on her "likable" facade.

She is not using feminine power at all. She desperately wants to be powerful by means of the old-fashioned, very male-like, dirty-rotten-scoundrel way.

So, no, Sarah Palin isn't just like us.

The Spicers said...

I don't want a candidate who is just like me! I want a possible president to be better, smarter, and more informed than your average Walmart shopper. I know what the Bush doctrine is, and I expect a potential VP to know too. Her TV interview was just plain embarrassing!

Lupe said...

As women, we are very small in this man’s world without each other. It always amazes me when I hear of a man caught cheating with “the other” woman. Doesn’t that other woman even realize what she’s just done to another woman? The golden rule seems to have just disappeared in today's world.

I respect Ms. Palin as a woman because that’s what I expect in return from her as a fellow woman. Kudos to her for even getting to this political position. The gal’s got some testes and you can tell who runs her household.

But just because she wants to give birth to a downs syndrome child at her age doesn’t mean that I want to. But I respect her decision because she’s a woman. I expect the same in return. Roe vs. Wade should never be overturned, especially dear god, not by the hands of a WOMAN.

I want true freedom.

I am a wife and mother, and my wonderful husband feels that men have absolutely no right to an opinion or vote on the abortion issue. When my husband and I decided to have our last child when I was 41, I had every test available to make sure our daughter did not have downs syndrome. If she had been a DS baby, it was our decision together to have terminated the pregnancy. Thank god she was fine, she’s 12 now and very healthy. I don’t ever want women to lose the right to that choice. If god didn’t want that option, it would not be available to us. Thank god for Roe vs. Wade!

I also want to be able to carry a weapon in my crime laden neighborhood to protect my family and innocent elderly neighbors. I am a trained ccw permit carrier, my pistol has a red led sight, and I don’t miss my mark. I am not a danger to society. I’ve even prevented a home invasion on my alzheimers neighbor because I was aware of what was going on and couldn’t convince the cops to hurry. I stopped the criminal, not the cops, and the illegal creep’s in jail now for 7 years.

I also want my cancer ridden friend to be able to use a weed that grows all by itself in the desert to relieve pain and create hunger during chemo treatments, without being called a dope head. Like laboratory synthesized narcotics aren’t dope? Just because it’s someone else’s preference to use or abuse prescription drugs doesn’t mean that everyone wants that too. In this city, we’ve voted on medical marijuana twice and it has passed. It is still not legal. I don’t get it, how can they ignore what they want when we voted on it?

I will never vote for a Republican candidate.

I will also never vote for a Democratic candidate.

It’s like having only Pepsi and Coca Cola as my choices.

I actually prefer RC.

Neither of these parties seem to touch on true freedom.

Gender or skin color are not important to me, we all bleed red blood.

I’m voting Libertarian, I just wish he would choose a black female running mate so we can actually have a chance of winning, whoever he is.

53 years young
Phoenix, AZ

Cybernista said...

She is NOT just like me. I am pro choice, she is not. I believe in educating teens about the risks of sex and making sure they are protected, she preaches abstinence (which is just ignorant). She believes in God, I do not. She's a soccer mom, or hockey mom, of five children. I have one grown child because I think the world has enough people in it. I don't want her running a country that is full of people like me, like her and nothing like either one of us. She is too opinionated, too naive and thinks her narrow minded way is the ONLY way.

Rene said...

It frustrates me to the core to hear the pundits pile me into that waivering middle aged white woman group who so blindly accept Palin! While I am demographically in that group, I refuse to accept being corraled with those would vote against their democratic ideals simply because Palin is a woman, and a mother (of which I am both). I wish I could reach out and shake some of these women! Do we really want policy to dictate that women should have no right to terminate a pregnancy when raped or as the result of incest? Do we really want to support shooting wolves from a helicopter...and then allow a government to devote our hard earned tax dollars toward that end? How can America claim that "going Green" is our new mantra yet support someone who so blatanly supports oil drilling in the Alaskan wilderness? Women, please investigate the issues.

Palin's interview with Gibson showed how clearly ill prepared she is to assume the office one step away from a nuclear button. Some describe Palin as a straight shooting decision maker. That scares me even more. Her record shows little willingness to even listen to divergent views or opposing arguments contrary to her aims. How then will she ever be open minded enough to listen to those stakeholders involved in decisions that affect us all? She compares the hard decisions to take us to war with moose hunting..."I don't blink" she states. This is clearly NOT someone we want to have full knowledge and access to nuclear codes.

I say leave the gun-toting Hockey mom at home. If she is so intent on dictating policy on our children (no sex ed or birth control for teens, teaching creationism alongside evolution in public schools) the best office for her is in her own home, not pushing her extremist views on the rest of American society.

Unknown said...

I hope women in America are not so blinded by this woman who makes all of us with intelligence and knowledge for what is right-i.e the right to choose if we have been raped , molested or otherwise to give up a pregnancy that would save our own life instead of burdening many b/c we can not afford or care for a child that was not planned or forced upon us. Who will raise Sarah's disabled child while she takes on her own agenda of self promotion?
She disgusts me not only as a woman whom abuses her power of office but also as a woman.

Ihaveaheadache said...

Skinny, I am afraid you are distorting the facts about Hillary Clinton to promote Sara Palin. Not that that surprises me, distortions aimed at emotions rather than issues and facts seem to rule the McCain/Palin ticket across the board.

For myself, I always supported Obama, even before the primary and am not a huge fan of Hilary Clinton. For the sake of clarity I must point out however, that Hilary Clinton was elected to the senate in the aftermath of years and years of attacks on her character, beliefs, and activities as First Lady. These attacks were aimed at her on the basis of her marriage. In any other job setting, that would legally be considered discrimination. It seems to me her marriage to Bill Clinton clearly functioned more as a liability than as an asset in that senate race. She overcame the dark shadow surrounding the Clinton name and overcame prejudiced, jaded attitudes to win a spot in the US Senate based on her own education, ideas on the issues and ability to reach voters.

Sara Plain is creating her own dark shadow, and its beginning to become clear that she has been doing so for quite some time.

Who is deluding themselves here? Whose idolizing?
Just consider the facts about Sara Palin.

1. Sara Palin's short record as govenor and as mayor show some serious flaws and questionable practices.
2. Her campaign has been primarily devoted to attack dog tactics, including alarming witch hunt strategies aimed at whipping up fear and loathing in the American people.
3. She stumbles over and/or avoids reasonable questions in both interview and debates, at times giving answers that are mind-numbingly inane.

So, there it is. Yes, Sara Palin is no Hilary Clinton. She's also no Joe Biden or anyone else who has the quantifiable qualifications and character record needed for the job.

Perhaps voters do elect politicians into office simply on the basis of sympathy and other uninformed emotional knee jerk reactions as you suggest about Hilary Clinton. If that is the case, then relax, your candidate just might become the next Vice President. Sara Palin does not have much else going for her.