Women Against Sarah Palin

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What would it take?

ER says:

Venting is one thing, but can we organize? What would it take to have marches all around the country on the same day --- women against Sarah Palin. There's not much time. What would it take?



Danielle said...

You should start a facebook group...the word will spread more that way...Also, become a member of BlogHer (its free: www.blogher.com) and target women on that network...we gotta spread this word. This woman is dangerous and not representative of the majority of women's beliefs.

lisa in river forest said...

I will get more involved in this election cycle than just donoting and talking. I can thank Sarah Palin for that. I am completely opposed to her life and world philosophy. I do not want her involved in any decisions that can impact my life or any beyond her own. But I am not against her as a person only as an elected or appointed official in any capacity that can impact any sentient being.

brd said...

I'm ashamed to see this site. Where is the menagainstjoebiden site?

What ever happened to feminism?

If you want to work for Obama, work for Obama. I am.

However, as a feminist, I am glad to see a woman on a ticket. Let's debate the issues on the human level. It is sexist to deny certain women the freedom to participate in the political process because they don't hold certain liberal political views.


Unknown said...

I think the big focus should be getting the Democrat vote FOR Obama mobilized. The Repubs want us to divide and spend our time protesting SP. But any time spent protesting SP is NOT spent the on Obama vote, and thats where we are needed the most!!!!!

dpmiami said...

I really like Palin and think she is a breath of fresh air. I think what is happening here is a bit of jealousy, just like high school girls. She's prettier, she's more successful, no fair...boo hoo!!! Go back to your little lives and talk about the issues.

Unknown said...

One of the things that confuses me about so many people (regardless of your party affiliation) is the fact so many think it's necessary that the public schools teach OUR kids sex education. Since when is the responsibility of others (strangers, basically) to teach YOUR children about sex? What happened to PARENTS taking responsibility to teach their children? It's up to us to take care of ourselves, NOT the government!

Unknown said...

And another thing...think about the fact that nobody is telling the absolute truth. Each party presents their own "truth" based on their agenda, their philosophies and their perceptions. Nobody is wrong and nobody is right. Somewhere in the middle is the truth and as people with common sense (some of us) we must come up with our perceptions about the "stories" we're hearing and reading.

dpmiami said...

dolphin66 you are right but some people are absolute idiots and I have no idea how they had kids to begin with.

Woman Against Palin said...


I think it's sexist to leave a woman alone just because she's female. If McCain had chosen someone as ourageous as Palin who happened to be male, I'd be just as outraged.

Unknown said...

This website speaks volumes about those who set it up. Negativism really retards positive move forwards. Too bad. We can go back and forth all day about all the candidates but let's face it, our government is what it is and nothing will change much no matter who is elected into office. The government supports special interest groups and lobbyists. We really need less government and more individuals taking responsibility for themselves and their families. Look at the results of hurricane Katrina. It's truly sad for so many of the people in those states but look at the ones who took control and picked themselves up by their bootstrings. Our government is just like the partner or spouse who buys the alcohol for his/her alcholic partner...it's called enabling. Many Americans are used to government "taking care of them" so much so that when they don't help them they point fingers and ask for more. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES and grow up. Palin, I believe is someone who believes in that along with McCain. I won't even get into the frightening prospect of a socialist government on the other ticket.

Danielle said...

BRD, are you nuts? She's as anti-woman as they come. She's no friend to feminists, that's for sure. She's virulently anti-choice, and as mayor of Wasilla, billed rape victims for the kits used in their cases. She's also anti-environment, and many femininsts are concerned about the environment.

I will vote for a pro-choice man over an anti-choice woman every time. It's not the gender (or race, for that matter) of the candidate that matters, but his or her policies and worldview. And I do NOT vote for scary evangelicals.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Danielle, you won't vote for scary evangelicals? I guess you would vote for a scary socialist who happened to have some questionable "friends" and supporters. It's not going to matter...remember? They are puppets who hold little control in the end.

Annie in Cali said...

The reason to be "against Sarah Palin" is because she represents everything that is NOT feminist. Her wish to be on the Republican ticket proves that she agrees with the Pro-Lifers, NRA, Evangelicals and right-wing Supreme Court judge appointments - which puts many women's issues at risk. To be against her is not sexist it is a way to squelch her attempts to take women backward in time. If they put Phyllis Schlafly on the Republican ticket, feminists would be shouting and protesting from the rooftops. Schlafly got active in restricting women's rights way back in 1964 and she was still active as recently as 2007. Palin needs to be attacked from all sides to ensure the political parties (both) understand that we won't accept restrictions to our rights under any circumstances - even when there's a woman running for Vice President.
Finally, we do need to be sure to stay focused on McCain. He is afterall the one running for President. Spending too much time on Palin distracts everyone from the real issue which is John McCain represents 4 to 8 more years of the failed Bush administration. The most important thing any of us can do is make sure our polling places have enough voting machines for the size of the district and anyone who needs to vote absentee gets their ballot and sends it back.

Shelley said...

To be honest, I think we could do more with a "Women for Obama" than anti-Palin rally. Let's focus on positive, not negative.

And let's stop giving Palin any more attention.

Mars Tokyo said...

All I want to know is how can a woman who says she cares about traditional family values, give birth and then abandon her Down's syndrome child in order to run for office. What kind of traditional family values are those. She belongs with the baby. And BTW, who's caring for that baby? Some illegal alien nanny?

She makes me sick. What a hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

Hey dpmiami. I'm really tired of comments that assume women don't like Sarah Palin because "She's prettier, she's more successful, ...." Than whom? I'm a very successful woman with successful and well-adjusted children- and Sarah Palin terrifies me. Don't they have the Constitution up there in Alaska? Can an public official up there fire people for personal reasons? Isn't there due process? And the crack about reading terrorists their rights- isn't that what makes America, America? Throw out the Constitution and we're no better than terrorists. And how many scientific journals has she read? I'm sure they must have some in the Wasilla library. That she could influence what my child learns in science class is frightening.

Liz D said...

THERE IS A HUGE anti Sarqah Palin email going around - You can read it here: http://womenagainstsarahpalin.blogspot.com/

There ias a HUGE momentum and I believe the internet can be our best friend. Perhaps you can join forces.

Unknown said...

I know it seems negative to focus on the horrible beliefs of Sarah Palin, but I honestly think there is a way to reach out positively to women in so-called red states who think she's great. Do they know about her stance on (against) equal pay? Her making rape victims pay for their own forensic exams? I keep thinking that if they really knew some of these things it might make them think twice.

mia b said...

To brd. Who is saying that women shouldn't participate the political process if they don't hold liberal views? That is absurd. It is imparitive that women vote for the most qualified candidate, regardless of their sex, race or eye color. Palin's irresonsible positions on feminist issues are frightening.
To dolphin66- so sad that you are willing to let people born into a set a circumstances- far more unfortunate than you or I could imagine- slip through the cracks. Go to the 9th ward and see with your own eyes the conditions these innocent children live in. You choose to blame their parents- ever heard, "it takes a village..."
Empathy is a beautiful thing. Open your heart and see what happens

Anonymous said...

I'll sign... I'm an independant... surprize! but I wont vote for her because she's againt legalized abortion. PERIOD. I dont care if its a man or woman, green or black.. they dont get my vote. For me there is no gray area on this subject and it really has nothing to do with me personally.

Unknown said...

To Mia b: Gee, that's a new one, "It takes a village." How about God helps those who help themselves? Additionally, what about all the people who have been "born into" poverty? Yes, what about THEM? Have you heard of Oprah Winfrey? How about many unmentionable successful people who have been "BORN INTO A SET OF CIRCUMSTANCES" who have actually figured out that they can be stronger and have more pride in themselves and self-esteem by doing things for themselves and not allowing their circumstances dictate their lives? What about them? I've been a mental health counselor in the inner city of Chicago and have seen it all so please don't preach empathy. That's what my career was all about. Empathy for some people offers no solutions for their "born into circumstances". Action does. Let's not confuse empathy for sympathy. Remember, enabling continues to vicious cycle of humanity (and inhumanity) in some situations. "It takes a village" supposes that we give up the power to be responsible for our children's future by putting in the hands of politicians who have absolutely no investment in our children's futures. ONLY parents can FOR CERTAIN insure their children's futures by promoting themselves as hard-working citizens who strive for NOTHING but the best. We cannot expect nor continue to entertain that others have a vested interest in our children's lives. Stop handing out freebies to the "9th ward" people and enable them to become independent by teaching them to fend for themselves. Stop giving them a fish and give them a fishing pole and a few lessons on fishing and they will learn (as we all have) to feed themselves.

kaitlin said...

A man asked me the other day how i felt about Palin, since I am a woman... Brd et al, opposing Palin is not anti-feminist or negative. This is about being grouped together with a hypocrite who's personal beliefs are completely opposite myself and most women I know, just because we are female. If that isn't sexist, I don't know what is. McCain is nuts if he thinks Palin on his ticket will win him female voters. If we want to see our efforts and the efforts of those before us continued, it's up to all of us to spread awareness where we can, and the truth will speak for itself.

Unknown said...

If Palin had delivered a convention speech that demonstrated she is intelligent, professional, experienced and thoughtful, I would have said she's a worthy opponent, and let's start the debate. Instead, she was smug, snarky, lied openly about both her and her opponents' accomplishments, and upped the nastiness of the pre-written speech with an even nastier delivery, over which she had complete control. SHE was the one who acted like the prom queen/cheerleader belittling the head of the debate team in a bid for student body president. It is her flagrant disregard for the truth and the fact that her "maverick" status derived from removing from her path all those who didn't fully "support" her that continue to fuel my objections. She can't fire Congress, and it has been the intense partisan gridlock that has kept our representative government from functioning.

diane said...

Does anyone else find it demeaning and the height of sexism that McCain seems to gleefully parade Palin like some "trophy" running mate (yes, as in trophy wife)! It gives the appearance of old dude getting a charge from all the attention of having this young thing at his side! Disgusting.

Unknown said...

I am against Palin because I am an average American woman who has a better degree and more world experience than she does.

With that said, I do not want an average American to be president. I want a far far above average person in the white house... whether it me man, woman, black or white.

The greatest thing we as women can do for our equality is treat her the same as a man. Forget gender and focus on what she would bring to Washington. And I am one woman who does not believe she has what it takes to change this country for the better. Voting Palin in would be 10 steps backwards.

Unknown said...


"I am against Palin because I am an average American woman who has a better degree and more world experience than she does." Does this make you better qualified to run for VP? Why not give it a try? I, and many other Americans also have a "better" degree (define better) and more world experience. HOWEVER, none of us is running for political offices to try to make this country a better place. What is wrong with average? We've had far, far, far above average and what has it gotten us? The White House does not hold most of the control...CONGRESS does. If what you call a "better" degree and more world experience makes one a better president or vice-president then how in the world does Obama have that? Has he held any executive positions where he handled budgets? And what about the presidents who DID have all those attributes and world experience? What makes a difference are those that the president surrounds himself with. Even the worst and best presidents could have been better had they surrounded themselves with experience financiers, executives, national and international executives, etc. Ever hear this one? Dorothy Sayers in her play Love All 1940):
"Every great man has a woman behind him...And every great woman has some man or other in front of her, tripping her up."
Think about that one. You've heard the first part of that but the feminists are actually attempting to trip up a very successful woman (Sarah Palin) who could do much for the cause. Don't waste your time. She's not going to back down. Feminism seems to have gotten to the point that it's actually anti-man and anti-successful woman. Weird!

Ivy said...

Dolphin66, I'm just curious - instead of rebutting other people's arguments against Sarah Palin, may I ask what it is about her and/or John McCain's policy stance that you like and want to support? Or is it that, in your view, simply by virtue of being a woman, she advances a "feminist" agenda?

Just trying to understand here.

francesca said...

I am grateful to learn about this blog because I have grown so tired of hearing misrepresenting stats such as '67 percent of white female voters support Palin'. Through the power and reach of the internet we can spread the word of women's
opposition to Palin and at the same time support OBAMA.

One way to be show the strength of feminism is to NOT vote for someone solely because they're a woman. At the root of feminism was the message of equality for all--women and men alike. So, if we vote based on gender alone, we am no better than the very thing we're against. This election is about issues of great importance. Sarah Palin does not represent the views of millions of women in the US, and women who truly support feminism and respect the work of women before us, aren't so simple that they will ignore the issues and vote for Palin just because she's a she.

Unknown said...



KdeDu said...

The choice of Sarah Palin makes it clear what the GOP is really about – theatre and control. Not policy, democracy or equality. Sarah Palin is a stunt. Half of America will fall for her. But there is an old-fashioned antidote to remind even the dumbest American that this is just a farce. A few strategic pies in the face will should do the trick.

Ivy said...

Ellen and others - please, please, can we keep this as a discussion on issues? We're all entitled to like who we like personally, but I for one plan to vote for the people who will represent my interests best in Washington. If Ellen is pro-life, pro-war, and doesn't believe in global warming, perhaps the McCain/Palin ticket is for her. It's her right.

Let's not get dragged into the mud with the same old personal attacks the Republicans used 4 years ago. It's a losing strategy. Let's stick to the issues, people!

I for one would like to focus my energy more positively, and revisit danielle's thought at the top of the blog around organizing - any thoughts on a march? Busses to swing states? Phone calling? Anyone out there who already volunteers for the Obama campaign that might be able to help guide us?

Angela said...

Finally the world is seeing that woman do have something to say and groups like you want to stop her right of speach. Women should unite if only at the common ground that says we have what it takes to make a difference. Protest something with validity like young girls being stolen from their homes and forced into the sex slave trade industry or is that a right of choice to?

Angela said...

I know lets get buses together and go help the homeless, the abused, something to put your energy to or is bitter judgments on Pro-Choice leaving us blind to the fact there a bigger issues out there to fight as women. If we can organize something as petty as this why can't we make a difference and get those girls out of slavery and those babies out of the grave.

OneFedUpMom said...

Another way to spread our message is by posting our comments on OPPOSING blogs in order to make our position known to those we are against, and maybe even recruit some of them to our side! This would be much more effective than sharing our views with ourselves, i.e. preaching to the choir.

labean1107 said...

To brd:

Are you honestly glad to see a woman on the ticket simply because she's a woman? Despite her less than adequate qualifications? I might ask YOU "What ever happened to feminism"? Because being a true feminist doesn't mean rallying behind any and every woman simply because she has woman-parts! It's about equality, and supporting the rights of women to be viewed as equals to men in all situations. Political and otherwise. So, in that respect, we can say with some certainty, that just as there are some really poor male choices out there for positions of political offices, it is only right to maintain the attitude that in all fairness, there are women choices for positions of political offices, that are EQUALLY as poor a choice! We must be fair, here, am I right?

It bothers me, as a feminist, to see a woman chosen for the VP candidacy, based on what political sway her gender might give great impact to. That isn't a plus for the feminist movement... it's like taking several giant steps backwards instead, if you ask me. Because based on her body, her physical attributes, she was chosen as a running mate to McCain, instead of being chosen for her mind, her good sense, her history of accomplishment, or her solid intentions and plans for the future of this country (all of which Sarah Palin IS lacking...)

It's embarrassing. It's an outrage and a shame that some women in this country could actually be swayed to believe that any woman in the White House is a good woman in the White House. I, personally, would rather wait another hundred years to see a great woman in the Vice Presidential or Presidential position, than to see just any random under-qualified woman take up that title. Especially one who could further damage this already war and vengeance crippled land I love. Sarah Palin would undoubtedly do precious little good in the VP office, towards continuing all of the good work that we of womankind have fought so hard to have the voice to change our world with. In fact, I fear she's be a great undoing of it.


Unknown said...

We need to get back to basic issues. Here is what John McCain stands for, and it's a step backward for individual rights. Share this with your friends who may not know the facts.


TR'Girl said...

Why women against Palin? I think that women need to show solidarity against a women who isn't ready to be president. Do I want to be president- sure! Am I ready- more than Palin and that is scary. I want the first women president to be be as strong and smart as Teddy Roosevelt, judicious as Abraham Lincoln, and humble as George Washington. Does Sarah Palin measure up to these high standards- no. not even close. In fact, she is weaker than the two weakest presidents: George W Bush and U.S. Grant. If Sarah becomes president, and starts her wrecking ball on her government like she wrecked Wasilla and has been working Alaska- we women will lose plenty. I could even see us losing the right to vote because it will prove to men that women don't think- they are too emotional. Sarah is all the bad things said about women- she runs Alaska as her empire, not as a democracy. I am not worried about her attractiveness- I am worried that there is nothing beyond that. The Republican emails I get show her topless compared, next to Biden's bald head and ask me isn't it obvious who the better choice is? Obvious, if her breasts can do a great job of making policy. I don't know- maybe her breasts have magical powers, but mine just make milk.

DLG said...

I believe the most constructive march opposing Sarah Palin would be a "Women for Obama" or a "We're for Obama" march. Forget attacking Palin; those who oppose all that she represents will make their voices heard by supporting the Obama/Biden ticket. Many of us believe we have reached the point where we can vote for the candidate and not for the sex of the candidate. Try organizing a gathering at a local park and get participants by listing on Craig's list or a local freebie newspaper, sending a press release to the local daily newspapers and television and radiio stations, contacting those you know via email, etc. Go to the Obama website and buy a sign or make your own. Let's pick a date!!! How about Saturday, September 27? I'm going to go for it in my city, San Diego, CA. How about you?

Karen said...

I'm totally astonished that anyone could think this blog is anti-feminist. Palin is one of the four scariest PEOPLE, man or woman, who has run for election in recent years... the others being, of course Bush, Cheney & McCain.

Deborah, September 27 is too soon to organize anything that packs enough of a punch. That's only two weeks. Mid-October would give more time, and would also be closer to the election - time to get some momentum going. This election is going to make history in MANY ways, including the use of the power of the internet to organize communities.

Go to the volunteer section on Obama's website and find or register an event:

I like the "Women for Obama" title, but they're fighting dirty and are not going to stop when we say, "Please don't." We have to put on the spiked gloves if we want to stand a chance, so we have to keep the truth about Palin in the forefront as well. Oh, my God. How could ANYONE possibly imagine this woman taking the 3 am call?

DLG said...

Karen, good point and thanks for the link to events. It didn't occur to me at first. I'm thinking Oct. 11 and/or the 18th. It doesn't have to be too formal, just legal. Ladies, men, shoot for these dates and get on the Store.BarackObama.com site to order your goods NOW! Just because it may be Women for Obama (just to get the No to Sarah point across) doesn't mean you men can't walk too! Have fun with it!

Juwoods said...

It is just because she is a woman that I am so outraged that she was selected as a vp canidate.

Have you seen what she allowed to be said, laughed about, comments that a radio person in alaska said about one of her opponents...go to alaska news..it is opinion, editorial....apparently she was live on radio when this person started to make very crude jokes about another political person (female)...the radio person called her a B... and Palin laughed, made reference to her weight...Palin laughed...made reference to the fact the other women was a cancer survior..again laughter...read the article....appalling

in any event...Let us get on with it....

what can we do to spread the truths? Who had the web site where you compared each canidate on several key issues...would you send me link?

Could we make several flyers focusing on different things....seniors, health care, economy, war (as if anyone cares anymore), climate change...families

I worked last presidential election...went to pa, and then on election day to ohio. following election I returned to ohio for a recount...went to rally re how voters denied right to vote in that state....We all had very strong feeling that something was not right...they stole ohio
We just cannot let this happen again

Great to vent our feelings...thank you for space to do so, but we need to get to work asap

any ideas please keep me in the loop. I am not that good with computers or public speaking...but I can write letters, go door to door talking to people, we need to energize this campaign big time
Palin has been a distraction from the issues and we just cannot let that happen

Why is not her on going investigation big time news every day??? There is another investigation going on, not an official one, one conducted by a private citizen. Charges in the official one...she abused her power in firing the dir of public safety for not firing her former brother in law...the second claims she had people in her office conduct political work for her during the work day

All in all....we got to get mad...we got to get back to the feeling of true hope the obama campaign brings...for our Country...for our freedoms, and for me for my grandchildren

Juwoods said...

Oh, in response to the person who was ashamed of this site and wondered where feminism went

Some of the best feminist I know are MEN

gender has nothing to do with feminism. It has to do with how you feel about the equality of the sexes

Juwoods said...

I just went to the madflats site...thanks for the great site

Question to all....did you see any of the coverage of the Alaskan Women Reject Palin rally, held at the same time of her rally back to Alaska?

I am trying to find out if any major news network covered it

Help if you can

Things like this need to be in the media!

Unknown said...


Absolutely, no. Sarah Palin cannot advance the feminist agenda because she is not a feminist. In fact, that stance is a bit too extreme for even me as a woman who believes in equal rights for women. But I won't get into that. She can, however, help Americans (men and women) see that a woman is just as capable or incapable of being in the position of vice-president og the USA. I think that what you are all "fearful" of is valid as your fears are very real to you. On the other hand, I fear Obama and his past and his wife, for that matter. I fear his socialist belief system. You asked me what I liked about Governor Palin and I couldn't word it much better than this individual:


Juwoods said...

dolphins66 I hate to tell you but you are a feminist if you believe in equality of rights for both men and women. That is the definition of feminism.

After watching the video of the rally Alaska Women Reject Palin and talking to my family members who attended (it was the LARGEST rally in that state's history)..I thought a great flyer would be a pic of the 1400 who attended the reject rally and the 900 who attened the pro rally
at the bottom say something like do you think alaskans are telling us something?

Unknown said...


Okay, I'll give you that...perhaps I am a feminist. HOWEVER, this forum "seems" to have gathered many radical, separtist feminists which is not the category or subcategory of feminist that I atttribute my beliefs. There are many types and subtypes of feminists and some are a bit too radical for a realistic change within this society. We've come far, for sure but change requires time, persistence, and understanding. Surely, we don't need to "beat up" men for acting in a way that is both biological as well as socially constructed gender identities. We have women (mothers) to thank for many of these socially constructed identities with their sons. It takes many generations for real change to come to fruition.

Juwoods said...

I so agree that feminists come in all degrees...but the main focus of the feminist movement is on equality of the sexes. Some of the most outstanding feminists I know are men, like Alan Alden.

As a feminist who is a stay at home grandma, still baking bread and canning, I am offended by Palin.

While she was on a radio show recently in Alaska, for example, when the host made very rude, crude jokes about a female political rival of Palin's...she just laughed and laughed. some of the jokes included the rival's weight and fact she was a cancer survivor (read the editorial on this at alaska news)

When she was mayor, Wasilla had victims of rape actually pay for their own rape exams (which is acually collecting evidence for the prosecution) The State of Alaska now has a law which outlaws this practice.

She is against choice yet states that she and her husband supported her daughter's "decision" regarding her pregnacy. I am still trying to figure just what decision she had to make if choice to have the child or not was not on the table.

I could go on and on as to why I as a women find her so offensive to all women...

But it is her policies, her views which concern me most. I dont care if she is a woman or man, I am outraged that anyone with such narrow views, with such little world knowledge, with so little awareness of the problems and challenges our Country is facing, could actually be running to represent all of us in one of our Country's highest offices.

Unknown said...


I do appreciate and respect your point of view although I don't agree with it. I am a stay-at-home mother of two girls who recognizes that although we have come far with women's rights, we have had to give up a lot. I don't want to be treated like a man in many ways. So much of the respect that women used to get years ago is gone and I feel that has in part been the doing of radical women's movement. Do we really want to be treated the same in EVERY respect? That is a very important question to consider. I don't want to be a man...I like being a woman and I like being treated with a different kind of respect that most of us don't get today. Much of that is also due to a loss of manners/decorum and respect for all people. Women have a lot of different ideas to bring to the table that make us different, thus, making us NOT equal in many respects. We, men and women, are different and that should be recognized and respected since that is what can bring us together if we work together. Should we get equal pay for equal work? Absolutely!

Sarah Palin doesn't worry me, she actually impresses me. I agree with more of her policies than the ones that I have no idea Obama supports. His plans for this country are scarier for me. At least we know where Governor Palin stands. She knows who she is and doesn't seem to be looking for yet another outlet to "find herself". I don't feel confident with his change because his "change" seems to be a mystery. Voting "present" presents a fence-sitter which we don't need. We need someone who knows where he/she stands on policies. As for McCain (who is really the one running for president on the Republican ticket)I agree with most of his policies. We all have a choice to make and hopefully most Americans will do their research and try to weed out all the garbage from this campaign and see through to the real issues and what they personally believe will serve them best.

Unfortunately, this is the first election in my recollection where neither candidate is remarkable. Our government is not even close to what it was supposed to be. So many of us are disillusioned and Governor Palin seems to be a breath of fresh air for a government that's entirely too big and too powerful.


Unknown said...

One more site that may shed some light on Barack Obama's views on abortion:


Four times, Barack Obama voted to oppose a law to protect babies left to die after a failed abortion. The 31 year old woman, Gianna Jessen is a survivor of a failed abortion. Her story is very compelling. We talk about women's rights but what about the rights of these unborn babies?(this woman's mother was 7 1/2 months pregnant when she attempted to have her aborted). That is alarming!

Ivy said...

Dolphin 66, thanks for your answer and your willingness to have an open dialog.

With all this talk of feminism (and since I don't claim to be an expert) I did some research and found an interesting piece from Gloria Steinem: http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-oe-steinem4-2008sep04,0,7541303.story

I think we all need to be careful about getting information from. Blogs (e.g. righttruth, bornalivetruth.org)have clear biases and no accountability if they are -not- telling the truth. Frankly, my husband reads super-lefty blogs and that drives me nuts too because I'm much more of a moderate. I'm not looking for someone to confirm any biases I have - want someone to tell me the truth!

So, I went searching for some relatively unbiased sources for where each presidential candidate stands, and found these:



I think we each owe it to ourselves, our country, and our children to be well informed on the issues. Only then can each of us can decide who we should vote for. So, I wish everyone luck in getting educated on the issues in advance of Nov 4.

Also, thanks to the founders of this blog and all of you for some interesting dialog/food for thought over the past several weeks. As for me, enough talk - I'm going to go out and volunteer for the candidate and the causes I believe in. Enough talk, time for action!