Women Against Sarah Palin

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Susan D. wrote:

"While these types of conversations on blogs such as this one are fascinating where we all vent our beliefs and feelings, let's turn it around and share ideas about how we will actually not allow John McCain & Sarah Palin to win this election. Think about the people who may not go to the polls and figure out how to make them realize how important it is for them to vote! There is a woman who is so disillusioned that she is actually going to write in for Hilary. These are the people we need to embrace and bring them back to a less emotional reaction. Ladies... we can do this!"

What do you think, ladies (and gentlemen)? Any one else have any ideas about how we can help defeat Sarah Palin and her septuagenarian running mate?


Anonymous said...

Great comment, Susan. Education, education, education.....we all need to know the facts. Along that line, I found an Alaskan blogger keeping up to date on the facts. www.mudflats.wordpress.com
Check it out!

Per_Iscritto said...

I can't believe in this day and age that there is a women out in the world with this kind of thought process. I haven't paid a damn bit of attention to the Republican party...ever. I can't watch or listen to them speak I get so angry, I become enrage enough to through something anything large and heavy right through my TV. I knew nothing about Palin until I heard that hockey mom/polar bear so-called joke she relayed from my boss. (His words were he would love to vote for her without McCain. Shows you what kind of man I'm working for.)
My strong maternal ancestors who put up with being treated like chattel and battled to get us the right to vote, who struggled and fought for our rights, who voted pro-choice, who celebrated the creation of the pill, must be giving God an earful right now. How any woman could even think to pick up a ballot and cast a vote for this women who is not thinking of our best interests is beyond me!!! When will we as women learn that we can be in a man's world without losing sight of ourselves as a woman? And without selling out our mothers, grandmothers, sisters, friends?
We've got to get it right, ladies!!! If not for ourselves then for the girls and young ladies who will have to struggle through our mistakes.

mommadona said...

We can confront her "Truth Squad" where ever they raise their heads.

This is an all out war.

Make Google and Yahoo "alerts" for the ones in your sphere of influence. CONFRONT them thru emails and telephone calls.


The extremists are now in control.
Make no mistake. They are well-funded and well-'connected'

Here's a list of all her 'enablers' - tasked with keeping the KoolAide nice and cold:

National Members Of The Palin Truth Squad:

· Former Governor Jane Swift (R-MA)
· Governor Linda Lingle (R-HI)
· Lt. Governor Sean Parnell, (R-AK)
· Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN)
· Congressman Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)
· Congresswoman Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV)
· Congresswoman Thelma Drake (R-VA)
· Congresswoman Mary Fallin (R-OK)
· Congresswoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC)
· Congresswoman Kay Granger (R-TX)
· Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA)
Congresswoman Candice Miller (R-MI)
· Congresswoman Sue Myrick (R-FL)
· Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL)
· Congresswoman Heather Wilson (R-NM)
· Jo Ann Davidson, RNC Co-Chair
· Rosario Marin, Former U.S. Treasurer
· Meg Stapleton, Former Aide To Governor Palin
· Kristan Cole, Lifelong Friend Of Governor Palin

State Members Of The Palin Truth Squad:

· Former Lt. Governor Jane Norton (CO)
· State Representative Amy Stephens (CO)
· State Board of Education Member Peggy Littleton (CO)
· State Representative Ellyn Bogdanoff (FL)
· County Commissioner Mildred Fernandez (FL)
· Former Iowa Senate President And Former U.S. Ambassador To The Eastern Caribbean, Mary Kramer (IA)
· State Representative Jackie Walorski (IN)
· State Representative Laura Brod (MN)
· Former GOP State Party Chairwoman And Former State Rep. Barb Sykora (MN)
· Jayne Millerick, Former NH GOP Chair (NH)
· State Senator Jennifer Beck, Honorary Co-Chair NJ Women For McCain-Palin (NJ)
· Assemblywoman Alison Littell McHose, Honorary Vice Chair NJ Women For McCain-Palin (NJ)
· Bergen County Clerk Kathe Donovan, Honorary Co-Chair NJ Women For McCain-Palin (NJ)
· DA Dona Ana County Susana Martinez (NM)
· Former Lt. Gov. Lorraine Bono-Hunt (NV)
· State Senator Barbara Cegavske (NV)
· State Assemblywoman Heidi Gansert (NV)
· Sue Lowden, Nevada GOP Chair (NV)
Kay Ayres, OH GOP Vice Chair (OH)
· Betty Montgomery, Ohio Women For McCain-Palin Chair (OH)
· Mary Taylor, Ohio Auditor Of State (OH)
· Margie Hughes, Clackamas County Chair Of Women For McCain-Palin (OR)
· Linda Neace, West Linn Small Business Owner For McCain-Palin (OR)
· Deanna Smith, Women For McCain-Palin Chairwoman (OR)
· Renee Amoore, PA GOP Deputy Chair (PA)
· Joyce Haas, PA GOP Vice Chair (PA)
· State Senator Lisa Baker (PA)
· Diana Irey, Washington County Commissioner (PA)
· Christine Toretti, RNC National Committeewoman and McCain-Palin Pennsylvania Co-Chair (PA)
· Kim Ward, Westmoreland County Commissioner and McCain-Palin Pennsylvania Regional Chair (PA)
· Former First Lady Susan Allen (VA)
· Lori Ann Miller, Young Republican Federation Of VA Chairman (VA)
· Former Lt. Gov. Margaret Farrow (WI)
· Peggy Oban Boze, McCain-Palin Chairwomen For King County (WA)
· Susan McCaw, Former Ambassador To Austria (WA)
· Della Newman, Former Ambassador To New Zealand (WA)

Lisa said...

I wrote a blog post about why Palin is a terrible choice. I think that is the best thing that I can do. We all have an obligation to spread the word (after doing our research) on Palin.

I compared the educations of Palin vs. Obama and I must say that ALONE is startling. I have a lot of links in my post. Feel free to use anything that is of value. Leave me a comment and I will link to your posts. Our only hope is to get the truth out there and quickly.

Anonymous said...

I am 18 years old and scared to death about what will happen to my future and the future of those after me if Mccain and Palin get elected. As a person just becoming aware of the political world, I am happy I turned 18 in time enough to vote in this election and stand up for what I know is right. All of my friends realize the importance of this election as well, so hopefully the young voters of America will help to rally against this team. I will not stand for it if Palin or Mccain try to take away my rights as a woman or a young American. I hope women who think of voting for Palin only for the sake of having a woman vice president realize that their actions are not feminist, but a destruction of everything women have worked so hard for over the past couple centuries.

Hardtimes Helen said...

We do need to get organized if only to show the media and voters that it is not "sexist" to challenge a woman's credentials and qualifications to hold national office. That's the whole reason the GOP picked Palin - so they could hide behind her skirts and then yell "sexism" to scare off the media and divert attention from the fact that McCain/Palin have no plan and no solutions. Palin is a serious threat to American freedoms. And she sure isn't like any women I know.

koolkarma817 said...

She did a very good job of defeating herself this evening on the Gibson interview. They will only campaign TOGETHER. McSame had a problem this week without his sidekick.nobody wants to see him. She is NOT being allowed out on the campaign trail w/o him. They are worried what will come out of her mouth. She is the wrong women, at the wrong time, with the wrong presidential candidate. I have not slept for 10 days thinking she COULD be the next PRESIDENT.

Lava said...

The key problem as I see it is that the Republicans have nothing left at this point - except Palin. So they'll cling to her - if they think it will give them a leg to stand on, return some pride and change the subject. And, they'll dress it up in lies just to prove they are right.

Fighting emotion with reason doesn't work well. Logic shuts down. The Republicans will just dig in and lie more to themselves to ensure they are right - better right and dead than proven wrong.

I think the key thing to aim at weakening the Republicans vote turnout. Not by beating Palin down (that just gets things more emotional), but get back to talking about Obama, the economy, war, govt corruption, the last 8 years - and let Palin just be the brief freak show that it is.

There's an old saying that bad press is better than no press - it's true. She's no more important than we make her - and we've made her too important by talking about her too much. The Republican campaign had (has) nothing, so they said let's do something so outrageous that it gets attention and gives us something to rally around.

Don't get sucked in - stay on topic. Remind the world of what real issues we face and focus on getting them resolved through the candidates you believe will help most - support them and spread their message, not hers.

Dismiss her as another bad choice in a long line of Republican mistakes and move on to better things. Then her appeal will die.

mommadona said...

CNN News breaking on Troopergate:

Independent Investigator asking for several subpoenas, first one up is FIRST DUDE! Followed by "several other Palin family members....

Stay tuned!

mommadona said...

Secret Service Code Names Updated:

Sarah Palin = Denali
Todd Palin = Driller
Obama = Renegade
Michelle Obama = renaissance
john McCain = Pheonix
Cindy McCain = Parasol
Biden = Celtic
Reagan = Rawhide
Bush senior = Timber Wolf
Barbara Bush = Snowbank
Clinton = Eagle
Hillary = evergreen
jimmy Carter = Deacon
Rosalynn Carter - Dancer
al gore = saw horse
George W Bush = Tumbler
Laura Bush - Tempo
Cheney = Angler

Robin said...

While I fully agree with the spirit behind this entire blog and movement, I wholeheartedly agree with "LAVA" that we need to remove the focus from Palin and return it to Obama and what value and possibility we see from ELECTING HIM. We will NEVER WIN if our entire campaign is AGAINST someone. It is a negative act. Instead, we are FOR OBAMA and all that he stands for. Even the bumper stickers, hats, pins, etc. are FREE ADVERTISING for Palin. Any time we wear her name, we are putting money and votes in her pocket. We instead need to be steeped and fully engrossed in ELECTING OBAMA. So, can we change this blog to "WOMEN FOR OBAMA"? and get all the press heading that way?

I fully agree with needing to be visual, as well. Collective voices in person - all the beautiful, educated, eloquent, sassy women UNITED FOR OBAMA and DEMONSTRATING FOR ELECTING THE TICKET THAT MATTERS - OBAMA/BIDEN

Juwoods said...

I wrote a detailed letter re Palin to my local newspaper, still waiting to see it published

I have tried to do my own research...alaska news is great site...

I would like to see a one to two page flyer outlining each of the canidates positions on some of the most pressing issues....climate change, war (although many just dont care anymore), economics, etc

yes keep it positive, I really think if the public knew more of the differences between obama and mccain it would be a no brainer

mommadona said...

juwood - that is an excellent idea.

they could be quartersheet handouts.
distributed at churches/coffeeshops for perusal by anyone picking up.

It's getting the information OFF of the web/outside sources, and into the hands of people at the local level who don't have access to it.

I think the biggest audience should be aimed at OLDER VOTERS/mothers/single women.

It's a doable plan.

mommadona said...

Excellent local Alaskan blog - he's a Republican out to post the facts about Palin:


Juwoods said...

So how do we get the Obama campaign to make such a flyer?

As an older (well not that old ha ha)...keep it simple, clear to the facts

Like I just realized that mccain wants to tax health insurance benefits...I do think many people would flip if they heard this

mommadona said...

I would suggest going for it at the most basic level...they have setups by county/region.

I would approach them at that level.

Truthfully, I do this sort of thing on my own. Of course, I live in a very progressive area, so feel it's constantly 'preaching to the choir' in this area.

You could approach the local campaign set-up and get a nod from them, if you feel that would add a panache to it.

I usually run off about a ream of quarter/page info slips in various bright ASTRO colors...the job runs about $20 - or, if they are willing to run them off for you, all it costs is your effort.

I then take a bunch with me whenever I go out and about - just 'spreading that joy' wherever I see an opportunity.

Something like this would be PERFECT for Sunday mornings in a church parking lot or Wednesday evenings when they gather for their midweek services....

Also, PICK UP PLACES at schools is a great place to distribute - where the moms and dads cool their heels waiting for the munchkins.

Flea markets/Farmers markets/rest stops along the Interstate.

Libraries/gathering places/movie theaters/fast food outlets...wherever.

It's that 'butterfly wing' effect.

In this case, there is NOT MUCH TIME.

Here's an Obama Contact site.

mommadona said...










I would like to see a one to two page flyer outlining each of the canidates positions on some of the most pressing issues....climate change, war (although many just dont care anymore), economics, etc

yes keep it positive, I really think if the public knew more of the differences between obama and mccain it would be a no brainer

September 13, 2008 6:13 AM
Blogger mommadona said...

juwood - that is an excellent idea.

they could be quartersheet handouts.
distributed at churches/coffeeshops for perusal by anyone picking up.

It's getting the information OFF of the web/outside sources, and into the hands of people at the local level who don't have access to it.

I think the biggest audience should be aimed at OLDER VOTERS/mothers/single women.

It's a doable plan.

Juwoods said...

So how do we get the Obama campaign to make such a flyer?

As an older (well not that old ha ha)...keep it simple, clear to the facts

Like I just realized that mccain wants to tax health insurance benefits...I do think many people would flip if they heard this

September 14, 2008 6:38 AM
Blogger mommadona said...

I would suggest going for it at the most basic level...they have setups by county/region.

I would approach them at that level.

Truthfully, I do this sort of thing on my own. Of course, I live in a very progressive area, so feel it's constantly 'preaching to the choir' in this area.

You could approach the local campaign set-up and get a nod from them, if you feel that would add a panache to it.

I usually run off about a ream of quarter/page info slips in various bright ASTRO colors...the job runs about $20 - or, if they are willing to run them off for you, all it costs is your effort.

I then take a bunch with me whenever I go out and about - just 'spreading that joy' wherever I see an opportunity.

Something like this would be PERFECT for Sunday mornings in a church parking lot or Wednesday evenings when they gather for their midweek services....

Also, PICK UP PLACES at schools is a great place to distribute - where the moms and dads cool their heels waiting for the munchkins.

Flea markets/Farmers markets/rest stops along the Interstate.

Libraries/gathering places/movie theaters/fast food outlets...wherever.

It's that 'butterfly wing' effect.

In this case, there is NOT MUCH TIME.

Here's an Obama Contact site.

September 14, 2008 7:34 AM

libbyb said...

What about a national flush? Women against Sarah flushing their toilets at the same time/same day. 7:00pm pm a Sunday? Friday evening, the 26th, before the Presidential debate? Or before the big one -- Oct. 2nd?

mommadona said...


What an imaginative and cool concept!

Juwoods said...

Great ideas!!

I plan on going to Pa to work this sat (I live in ny, very very western ny)...will talk with them there re making flyers.

I am meeting with some folks here tomorrow night, will bring up the idea with them.

I just got energized again by going to the mudflats site

I was also thinking to myself...that as long as I felt so angry, so frustrated, etc that I was actually helping McCain...I have to remind myself that we CAN do it...we finally have a canidate who really believes and is a true inspiration for HOPE...

so glad I found this site to discuss and plan with others

Juwoods said...

what are alerts from yahoo?

excellent article in ny times...9/13/08 Once elected....on how Palin fired many, hired friends, etc

person who wrote the political brain. very insightful on how feeling has to come in big time, not just long winded policy statements...thought we could use that with flyers...