Women Against Sarah Palin

Monday, September 15, 2008

Whom are you voting for?

Are you voting for Obama? Ron Paul? Ralph Nader? Are you so turned off by the events of the last few weeks that you're not voting at all? Or has the selection of Sarah Palin made you more determined to vote Democratic?


Unknown said...

I'm voting for Obama! We should not even CONSIDER not voting at this point. If you don't like Obama at least vote AGAINST McCain Palin. Better yet vote for somebody who has a chance of beating them - Obama. McCain & Palin are an extremely dangerous pair. Obama is smart, I like his policies for the people and he has chosen a running mate who is qualified. He will help us get along with the rest of the world.

DLG said...

Voting for Obama because he and Biden stand for all that I believe in.

I am repulsed by the other ticket.

seek the truth said...

I was a Republican and never voted for Bush. McCain is a carbon copy of Bush. I am surprised that anyone would care more about abortion issues (which is what I believe is where the Palin/McCain supporters are coming from)...than the economy (which is in shambles), an unecessary war in which thousands of our troops have died, global warming, education, health care, social security, foreign policy, illegal aliens, etc. etc. etc.
I have listened to the regular folk that support McCain...and what comes to mind is the saying:
"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups".

Unknown said...

"Barak the Vote"
Obama for President!!!

NDNDixie said...

I was planning on voting Nader until Palin was chosen. Now I'll vote Obama to try and keep Palin out. McCain is stupid, Palin is SCARY!