Women Against Sarah Palin

Saturday, September 13, 2008

McCain's Campaign Tactics

In the New York Times, Paul Krugman writes that "the McCain campaign keeps making assertions that anyone with an Internet connection can disprove in a minute, and repeating these assertions over and over again...[H]ow a politician campaigns tells you a lot about how he or she would govern."

Do you agree?


Danielle said...

Bush II was a great campaigner and an excellent bullshit artist. He also had a lot of groups spreading his bullshit for him. But we know just what a lousy leader he has been. So no.

And anyone who picks a president on the basis of whom he'd rather have a beer with deserves what he gets. But the rest of us don't.

Courtney said...

Yes, they just keep telling the most blatant lies and relying on the laziness of the electorate to not check and just vote with their 'gut'.
The f***ed up part is it seems to work for them over and over again. Why can't people wise up to this crap?

EllieinIL said...

Yes. Two aspects about McCain's choice of Palin:

1. He chose her for strictly political reasons (her gender and appeal to the religious conservatives), not on the basis of competence.

2. I can't believe that she was thoroughly vetted. McCain made a decision without thoroughly checking out the facts and the implications of that decision.

As president, this politically motivated, careless decision-making style could be disastrous.

Barbara said...

I absolutely agree. Further, there are those who think that McCain was "advised" to pick Palin which goes to show, if it's true, he has lost his backbone along the way. McCain/Palin - No Way, No How.

See my blog:

http://ThanksButNoThanksSarahPalin.blogspot.com Stop by and add your comments.