Women Against Sarah Palin

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Is Sarah Palin a kick ass female?

I do not oppose Sarah Palin because she's a hunter or because she likes guns. I oppose her because it is clear from her actions that she does not care about animals or the environment. She's suing to take polar bears off the threatened species list because they would interfere with her precious natural gas pipeline. In order to bring this suit, she's had to claim that the evidence for global warming is unreliable. (See the Anchorage Daily News article) If Palin wants to hunt, that's her right. Indeed, Teddy Roosevelt was a big game hunter, a Republican and a great president. But he also set aside vast tracts of land for national parks. He would be appalled by Palin's disregard for the environment were he alive today.


Grace said...

I have a problem with everything about Sarah Palin except for her being a woman. I don't feel she is qualified being vice president and quite honestly, I don't think she is qualified being a governor. We all know that McCain selected her to get the die hard Clinton supporters. Well it's not working for this Clinton supporter. I'm not stupid McCain.

Anonymous said...

Grace, you're not stupid but I'm afraid too many Americans are. Didnt' they elect W- twice? You'd think people would want a president who is well educated, knows the lessons of history and is familiar with, and respectful to, world cultures. These "folksy" Republicans excel only at lying (the eighth commandment doesn't apply to these God-fearin' folk?) - and the American public eats it right up. I'm so depressed by it all!

Unknown said...

Teddy Roosevelt is also McCain's self-professed hero. I think we need to debunk the national/folk hero status of both of them by continually pointing out how they fail to live out or outright thwart their purported ideals. The Obama web site has good tools for getting messages to the media, which has given McCain a free ride until very recently, when his campaign declared a virtual media blackout because they couldn't trust their candidates with their message. Voters' heads need to become engaged to overcome the Republicans' visceral (and disgusting) appeals and rebut the shameless lies they tell. Too many are simply uninformed and latch onto the first idea that's planted, or go with their inherent prejudices without seeking facts. We need to make every effort to persuade the undecideds. My new slogan: "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, shame on all of us."

Unknown said...

Barack Obama does not have the experience to be President. So why is everyone so up in arms about Sarah Palin running for Vice President? One answer could be that people are willing to give credit to males simply because they are male. I am a strong independent female who is SOOOO not impressed with slick Obama. Plenty of women are intelligent enough to see that this IS a slap against all women. She is being discounted because of her gender. Compare their qualifications…there is not a lot of difference here. I am ashamed that so many women are piling on her.

2spirits said...

Sarah Palin is just a tool to divert the country away from the issue. To engage with lipstick talk about her and her right wing strengths and pitfalls, is divisive and has polarized the discussion about the women's civil rights movement. My mother had 7 children, worked in the fields as a farmworker, got up at 4am to make our lunch, kept us out of the heat and returned home, bathed us, made dinner, and tucked us into bed to prepare for the next day, And never had to witness the horrors of her gunning down an animal and watch her blood thirsty ritually savage through it, thanks mom, some daughters aren't so lucky!

Let me just say my mothers legacy to work her A#$ off to put myself and my sisters get a education. So when we talk about how far we have come to this date and add Sarah Palin to that conversation, I check out. This is when I ponder the fact if White feminist women even relate to FEMINSTAS women like me. And, are we all ready to admit, that in the feminist movement, there's' you and then me, dark skinned, black hair, humble background,yearning for equality in wages, education, career and the freedom to pray or be gay, speak in English, or Spanish or Swahili, counsel my daughter to have or not to have a baby.This women is a slap in the face to all women who have struggled/s. 42% of single mothers live in poverty. An is this Palin chick talking about that, I guess we should just pray that one away too...No Way NO MaCain and Oh..Hell No to Plain

Anonymous said...

No! Sarah Palin is not a kick ass female.She tries to hard to be a man. She is yessing all men instead of standing up. She has become a puppet of man.

It is awfully conceited of her to even ponder the thought of running for VP.

She reminds me of a Stepford wife.
Like a puppet she does the bidding of whomever controls her.

She is smug and condescending to whomever she disagrees with.

This is a trait she shares with Cheney and I never once thought he was a good or even adequate VP.

Her belief that the occupation in Iraq is the bidding of God is quite disturbing. The fact that she can't separate church and state is also quite alarming.

She seems like Bush in drag. All hat and no cattle.

She is like a jelly doughnut, all sugar coated only with oil inside instead of Jelly.

She makes me scared and sick to my stomach.

Anonymous said...

I also want to know why she didn't teach her daughters about STD's and AIDS?

Her daughter would not have become prego if she and her "Boyfriend" had used protection.

like a condom. OR does she contemn the use of condoms?

It's the first thing a mother should tell her son or daughter that are of age to have Sex!

What the hell is wrong with her and the rest of this country for
hanging her daughters prego belly out there like it's a good thing.
Has her daughter and her Boyfriend been tested for anything?

STD, HPV, AIDS... All real and I'm sure they have it in the "most wonderful state on the face of the earth Alaska."

I really wish someone... A journalist (cough...cough) with some balls and brains would ask her why she couldn't communicate the importance in wearing a GoDd@#n condom to her daughter?

Because if she can't protect her own children... How is she going to protect a dysfunctional nation?

So sick of her already.

Unknown said...

I just saw the "Defenders of Wildlife" anti-Palin ad today and it was so difficult to watch them shoot this wolf from a plane, but needed to be shown to see just what Palin is all about. She's a savage, poorly educated, narrow-minded hypocrite. I shudder to think she even has a CHANCE to become VP! I think Judy was right when she pointed out how stupid many Americans are and like her, it worries and sickens me. If McCain/Palin are elected, we're doomed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

seek the truth said...

Is Sarah Palin a kick ass female? Not at all. She couldn't even control her own teenage daughter and keep her from getting knocked up. That is just one daughter that she had to keep an eye on so imagine what she will allow to happen to this country. I also have a problem with her having a new born special needs baby and dropping him off for others to care for while she is on the campaign trail. Her husband has a decent job which gives her the priveledge of being a stay at home mom. (And that is a priveledge today) My children have always been first in my life and regardless of how difficult it is to raise teenagers, my daughters never got pregnant at 17, have college educations and are outstanding women. I am not saying this was easy but you would have to be a kick ass female mom to do it. Sarah Palin flunked.