Women Against Sarah Palin

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Does volunteer experience count:

My local woman officeholders have lists of volunteer positions they've held that are as long as your arm. See SandyGalef.com and CatherineBorgia.com. The only volunteer experience I ever heard about for Sarah Palin was that she was a member of the PTA.

Do you think volunteer experience counts? Does it say something about the person? Are people with community service, like Barack Obama, more appealing candidates in your opinion?


Intelligent;y Designed Woman NOT forPalin said...

OF COURSE IT COUNTS! It shows heart! Can you do a thankless job and not get paid for it? Can you make your community a better place because you helped out a neighbor, child or family in need?
If the character card game is to continue to be played out... and that is all we have on McCain and Palin ticket from the Republican convention- face it, they gave us nothing else!! Then that is what we have to go on! So show us YOUR Record, Mrs. Palin! (and Miss Alaska/Miss Congeniality doesn't count!)
There are those that reach out to others, and those that serve ONLY themselves... Guess we all now know where Sarah stands on this... So, does character matter anyway? When it involves promoting and cutting programs and making laws that suit their personal & invested interests- if you plan to cut the programs you have no direct need for, or invested interest in, when you get in office, well those things DO matter!
Am I missing something here?
Didn't McCain, himself, in his convention speech ask people to come forth and volunteer? Are we going to criticize people who volunteer now? Isn't that the essence of the American military VOLUNTARY SERVICE?! (not for long, we keep this war going, and add one in Iran, and we'll be drafting! [WHY is nobody talking about that?] So in short, your volunatry military service doesn't count as experience, because it's voluntary is that correct? Do Americans strive to raise kids to grow into compassionate adults?
I have faith the intelligent (educated or not!) woman will not vote for Sarah BECAUSE she is a female; and I have faith her ideas about what the rest of us should do with our bodies, the books we read, and how we educate our kids is not in-line with Palin's. While Sarah continues to push for her intelligent-design "Science" program; the remainder of us will evolve into smarter more educated people! And maybe even "protect" god's creation from our destructive ways! (HAH!) I have faith, there are more intelligent woman out there than not! The Republican Party dictators of the extreme right, have ruined the Republican party, making all those in it with reasonable sensibilities, go belly-up. Do You really believe Palin would have been McCain's pick based on issues if he were not pressured into going FAR right by the Carl Roves of the Republican party? (Didn't the conservatives 'hate' McCain, because he was not conservative enough? Heck, if he can't stand up to his beliefs, he shouldn't be president either- People voted for him because he is a moderate, regardless of how you feel about him otherwise...) I have faith, if there is a god, the Republicans will lose this election. Should they win; well, then the answer of whether there is a god or not will be definitively answered as "NO."


Claudia Alick said...

Volunteer experience is very important. Holding office is a civic position. In many ways serving in office is similar to a volunteer position. Sarah Palin seems like she's very much about making profit for herself and people like her. I don't think she has the best interests of the majorty of Americans at heart.

Sonja Andrews said...

I wrote a "Dear Sarah" post on my blog about why her candidacy offends me and I'm getting slaughtered for it ... I'd love some support.


msladyDeborah said...

Volunteer experience is the lifeline for the people within every community in our nation.

Palin's remarks about being a community organizer was no less than an insult to people who actually have worked in our respective communities.

I wrote about this subject on my blog.

This is not a woman that I want to see in the leadership of this nation!

Unknown said...

Have you seen http://www.sarahpalinisdangerous.com ?

Martha said...

I worked full time because my disabled husband could not (we found out when we were 59 he has Asperger's Syndrome). I put our two daughters through college. I paid off all the debt from raising them myself. I also volunteered with the Association for Women in Science and served for 8 years as membership chairman, raising the membership to 200 members, before service as president for two years. I have also served as a local activist on global warming and other environmental issues. I think Sarah Palin is dishonest with herself and would be a terrible leader of our country.

Anonymous said...

Her comment about community organizers shows not only her ignorance but the GOPs general disconnect from American citizens. Community organizers aren’t like mayors at all…and they DO have actual responsibilities. Community organizers are those who are responsible enough to take on causes and tackle issues that their politicians aren’t responsible enough to do themselves.

Palin is a walking contradiction who is utterly unqualified, is undereducated in matters of policy and offers nothing more than a perpetuation of the “culture wars” of the nineties.

Their answer to the healthcare crisis is silence.
Their answer to the energy crisis is more dependence on oil.
Their answer to the current 5 year war(s) is “stay the course”
Their answer to the economy is to continue Bush policy.

back in 2004 Ohio had lost 250,000 jobs prior to the election..and they STILL voted Bush in. I don’t have faith in my countrymen to realize that the wool is being pulled right over their eyes.


Laresay said...

You guys are some very vicious SAHM with nothing better to do but to crucify your own counterparts.